#movement #journey #fearlessness
As first piece of knowledge to share, this documentary is one of the pillard of my practice as kinaesthetics designer but first and foremost as moving being. Ido Portal founded the "Movement Culture", a worldwide community of movers from all types of backgrounds and disciplines that come together to explore, research, create in movement, just because they can.
#UXdesign #choreography #education
This thesis delivers a matrix on analyzing the different components of what makes an interaction from the perspective of dynamic relations. At first intended for product design, I find these principles resonate in many creative processes. Sometimes, the sum of all is not the whole, though it helps to recreate a strong creative process.
#decolonizingthemind #openness #now
During her talk, Monika Bielskyte — a nomadic creative being advising governments, corporates, organizations — is sharing her observation of potential future scenario making, from her traveling experiences. I use her principles while teaching creative embodiment in Arts & Design schools.
#housemusic #housedance #wayofliving
As part of the House culture, carrying values of sharing, acceptance, benevolence, unity in diversity, clubbing for expression and dance, I find that one of the sounds that translates it the most to me is from Nedda Sou. Enjoy!
#education #childhood #play
If not for the kids for who? I believe in sustainable education where collaboration and self-fulfillment are part of the same journey from the cradle to the adulthood. Empowering kids tom embrace their predispositions is key in creating a world full of realized individuals, able to collaborate, nurture care and face challenges.
#trusttheprocess #workethics #kintsugi
It is not about resilience but about anti-fragility. Life experience breaks us, and we heal from it with golden scars as the kintsugi demonstrates. Teresita Fernandez guides the students in an extremely powerful manner. These words have been resonating within and keep on doing so.